Herger kids

Herger kids

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Megan's Wedding

I have been so blessed.. These girls have been in my life for over 10 years. We have so many happy memories together. In November the last of us was getting married, our Meggie. It was a blast!
(Kim Kupfer, Whitney Redfern, Savannah Herger, Megan Ostler)
I love you ladies!

Nick and Megan Ostler
Isn't she stunning. :)

Megan and I have known each other since we were 3. Best friends truly last a life time. 

Best Friends Forever! 

I love taking pictures of my kids.
 I love my babies.

My sweetheart and I, life is good!

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Babies Birthdays.

 Happy 3rd Birthday Junie. 
June, you are a precious gift to your family. You make your mom and dad so happy. We love your excitement for life and your genuine love. We are so grateful Heavenly Father sent you to us. We love you with all our hearts. Happy Birthday Sweetheart.  

 We had a little family celebration at Chuck-e-cheese.

 June showing us how old she is...3!

 Dad treated June to a "scoot-scoot" ride.. 

Aunt Karliene, Aunt Teddy, June and Grandma Clifton
 A very special picture because.... June is sitting next to her Great Grandma Clifton (right) and her great great Aunt (left). Grandma Clifton and Aunt Karliene are sisters and Aunt Teddy is their aunt. Fun family pictures. Another really cool thing is Aunt Teddy and June are 100 years and 1 day apart. June turned 3 today and Aunt Teddy is 103 tomorrow. Needless to say, I am going to live a long time and look good too. :) Thank you Aunt Teddy and Grandma. :) WooHoo.

I am posting some of Ryan's birthday pictures.. It was in August but I didn't post it yet.
We had a pool party for Ryan's 1st birthday. June and Ryan are best buds, I love it. 

 Ryan is 1!!!! Happy Birthday Ry (morning shot, the jamies gave it away).

Our  stroller loaded with all the sweet presents everyone gave our little man. Thank you! 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

August in Arizona is SO HOT!!! We have to stay inside a lot because of the intense heat, 112 is the norm. However, September has brought us cooler weather, 103 the norm. Yeah, we can go outside now. 
I love Pinterest! I get so many awesome kid fun activities from it.
Like this is one...
Painting 101 - Tape word on canvas board and paint over it.
 (June couldn't wait to paint. Ryan had no idea how much fun he was about to experience.)
So excited!

My little painters.

There are many techniques to painting with toddlers... Here are a couple.
1 - The full hand dousing, followed by smacking and smearing.

2 - Printing... Using hands, or fingers, feet, or your shorts  :)  
3 - And of course the sweet finger painting. ( I thought we were going to be outside for a while. June was actually painting a "dragon" if you didn't notice.)

An Artist pleased with his creation.

This bike was pink...

 Finishing up painting, beginning playing. I love how much my kids love each other.

 All done. That my friends is how we paint. 
I can't wait for our next project.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Random update

 We love when family comes to visit. :) Our brother in law Jim and nephew Bobby came out to Arizona to visit Cassie (our niece) and that means we get to see them too. It was such a treat. 
Bobby has joined the Marines and is starting boot camp next month. We are so proud of him. He is going to make an excellent Marine. 

 Bobby was "training" Ryan. 
Bobby would roll the ball and Ryan would crawl after it, he LOVED it.

Ryan had so much fun with Bobby. 
Bobby,  you are a great example to your younger cousins, Thank you.

 Dean, Ryan and June. Our kids love their Daddy.

Dean had a week in between summer school and his semester. I had a list of things I wanted him to do around the house. One, was to put up the curtains in our room...
These pictures show why we can't get more than one thing done in our house....
Dean found a sticky something in the box we didn't use... (on the curtains anyway).

 the kids thought this was so funny...

 So did we...

Having kids is all about having fun. Life is WONDERFUL!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

These pictures are out of order but they were all taken Easter Sunday.

June is wearing a lovely dress that Aunt Cara bought her. June loves to look pretty, such a girl, I love it! She is my little companion, we do EVERYTHING together. This is the good life.
This is our niece Cassi, she is living with us. It is so nice having family around, we are so grateful.
We love any oppertunity to take family pictures. :) June is 2 1/2 and Ryan is 7 months.
Look how handsome my boys are... I love them so much.
June was such a help dying the Easter Eggs. She was simple amazed that the eggs would turn colors. (Yes, she is a little dirt ball. And I love this smile of hers, such personality.)
Easter Morning
Thank goodness the Easter Bunny know we get up early around. 6am isn't to early to hunt eggs right?? Ha Ha, June and Ryan don't think so.. :)
Ryan's 1st Easter! He loved the basket more than anything.
We sure do love our little kiddos, life is SO GOOD.. My heart sould burst. I can't thank my Savoir enough for what he did for me and for my little ones. It is so true, if you live His teachings you WILL have great Joy.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

June and Ryan

"Ms. Junie"
We are so blessed to have such a darling daughter. June is at such a fun stage in life. We play outside all day long. She sings sweet songs to Ryan and I, makes us yummy soup, cookies and tea. Truely the greatest joy in life is being a mother.

Sweet Ryan
Truely a sweet boy..Our little man is a lovie. He loves watching June. Every glance June gives him gets a BIG smile in return, EVERY TIME. It is so touching to see brothers and sisters love each other, we are looking forward to adding more smiles.

This is what I am talking about... February in Arizona = Popsicle weather
June couldn't agree more!

I love this picture of June.

I can't believe Ryan, my little snuggle is 6 months old. He is so CUTE!
Our little family is growing, we love it! June and Ryan make our lives so simple and fun. Heavenly Father has blessed beyond our greatest dreams.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Way past due.

Junie, a chef in the morning...
An Artist by mid afternoon...
And to top if off, a Princess, the rest of the day!
My little Ry, he is a charmer. I love his smile, it tickles my heart. :)

We have been in Arizona for about 7 months now and love it. We have made wonderful friends, played in countless parks, visited the temple many times, shared many precious moments with our two darling children, had our neice, Cassie, move in, moved into a house instead of an apartment, grew grass in our backyard (yes, we are so excited about that) and much more. I must say the winter is fantastic, 70 degrees...
Dean is working so hard in the program, spending hours a day studying. We do get plenty of time together still which is a treat we didn't expect. June loves her Daddy, she will jump on him in the mornings and say "It's time to get up Dad, it's 8:30." It seems to be 8:30 more than twice a day in our house.
Our sweet little girl is 2. June talks so well, sings like an angel, she is so trusting, loving and so much fun. She really enjoys being a big sister. June loves to make Ryan laugh, she'll do this cute, wiggle dance that gets him to laugh so hard. She also likes to dress up, clothes, chapstick, make up. She will put on her princess dress and say "I Princess" (while bowing). We've had to keep all chapstick in high places, June WILL NOT give it up is she gets her hands on it. She won't eat it but use it all up, her lips will be covered layers upon layers.. and then say "How I look?" (while puckering her lips).
Now for our little man... Ryan is such a happy, smily baby boy. He is 5 months now. Where does time go? Ryan is my side-kick, we go everywhere together. Lately, he has been blowing raspberries with his lips, adorable. Ryan rolls all over the place. Once he figured out he could move.. he has been rolling all over. He's trying to keep away from June, hahaha.
Our children bring us the greatest happiness, joy and love. Heavenly Father has blessed us beyond measure.
As for me, I couldn't be happier being a mom. Staying home and playing with my babies all day is a dream come true. June and I paint, scoop puff balls into bowls, color, play with playdough, cook, bake, eat, do everything together, with Ryan on my hip (totally interested in everything we are doing). I LOVE being a mom.
There is a little about and a couple pictures...